

  • The school uniform is compulsory on all class days and at school function. Pupils should come to school clean and tidy. Hair should be well trimmed and combed.
  • The student’s behaviour should be courteous and virtuous at all times and in all places both inside and outside the school.
  • At the first bell for either session of the classes, all must be in devout posture during prayer. In the classroom, place is allotted to each pupil by the class teacher and no one may change. Likewise, no one may move from place to place or go out of the classroom, without proper permission. In the absence of the teacher, the class leader immediately takes charge of the class and reports the fact to the PRINCIPAL, with the help of the assistant leader.
  • Pupils are not permitted to remain in the class room except during class hours. Exceptions need special permission.
  • Every pupil must possess a school diary which must be brought to the school. If any one loses it, he should get a written authorization from the principal to buy a new diary paying a special fine for his carelessness. Collecting funds for any purpose without a written permission from the Principal is forbidden.
  • Chewing gums is banned in the school premises. Dyeing of hair, wearing earrings, sporting a beard/French beard and any form of undesirable hair style are strictly banned. Any student deliberately violating the rule will be suspended.
  • No student is allowed to drive a car or a motor cycle to come to school or inside the school campus.
  • Pupils are not allowed to talk to parents/ visitors or to leave the school premises during the school hours without the permission of the Principal.
  • No presentation of gifts either by pupils or parents to teachers, nor any demonstration of any sort towards the teachers may be done without the expressed permission of the Principal.
  • Dangerous or harmful games and amusements are strictly forbidden. Pupils are not allowed to use the school address to receive letters, money orders, telegrams etc. or other correspondence without special permission.
  • Students should not bring any electronic gadgets like a cellular phones, camera, i-pod, memory stick, laser lights, CDs, and magazines to the school. Students are not allowed to bring whitener and marker to the school.
  • Speaking in English is compulsory in the school campus. Defaulters will be penalized.
  • Students should strictly adhere to the rules and instructions given in the Labs/Library and observe absolute silence.
  • Any student involving in the following acts will be dismissed immediately from the school with appropriate T.C. indication the reason for his removal on that very day.
    • Copying and helping others to copy and other malpractices such as altering marks and forging signatures. Physical violence fighting with other students, causing serious injuries etc.,
    • Smoking and other unhealthy practices that are punishable under Legal and Educational rules.
  • Pupils will keep the class rooms and school premises absolutely clean.
  • Damage to school property, disfiguring of walls, indecent language or behaviour are serious offence which may entail punishment, even dismissal.
  • Pupils will at all times show respect and reverence to school authorities and members of the staff.
  • Pupils should be responsible for the safety of their property. pupils are advised not to bring costly articles to the school. The school authorities are not responsible for any loss owing to the violation of this rule.
S T . J O S E P H   G L O B A S C H O O L
